Florida Linkage Institutes
Through the Florida Linkage Institutes, each year up to 25 full-time equivalent students from the respective host countries apply to study in any of the state (public) universities or community colleges in Florida. They are considered as "resident" or “in-state” students for tuition purposes.
The primary purpose of these institutes is to assist in the development of stronger economic, cultural, educational, and social ties between this state and strategic foreign countries through the promotion of expanded public and private dialogue on cooperative research and technical acceptance activities, increased bilateral commerce, student and faculty exchange, cultural exchange, and enhancement of language training skills between the postsecondary institutions in Florida and those of selected foreign countries. Each institute must be co-administered in this state by a university-community college partnership. Each institute must ensure that minority students are afforded an equal opportunity to participate in the exchange programs. See Florida Statute 288.8175 for a complete description.
To our future students: The university and college listed below each Linkage Institute manages the program. All of the Linkage Institute out-of-state tuition fee waivers may be used at any State University System (SUS) or Florida College System (FCS) institution. Please ask about the in-state tuition benefit at any public university of college in Florida where you are applying. For more information: StudyinFloridaNow@gmail.com
Florida-Brazil Institute
Florida-Costa Rica Institute
Florida Caribbean Institute
Florida-Canada Institute
Florida-China Institute
Florida-Japan Institute
Florida-France Institute
Florida-Israel Institute
Florida-West Africa Institute
Florida-Eastern Europe Institute
Florida-Mexico Institute